Google's New Generative AI Search and Your SEO

While most of the conversations around AI tools have been focused around Open AI's ChatGPT, Google (amongst many others) has also been creating its own.
While most of the conversations around AI tools have been focused around Open AI's ChatGPT, Google (amongst many others) has also been creating its own.
Some of you may already be familiar with Bard - Google's answer to ChatGPT, but have you heard about how this is going to be integrated with Google's search engine?
In their yearly tech event, Google announced the integration of their new AI tools with search - Generative AI Search:
While the list of results is available as normal, above them is an AI-generated response to your query, directly in the search results page itself. You can then click-through to relevant products as shown in the video above, or ask a follow-up question.
This is a BIG move for the search giant - up until this point (featured snippets aside), it has always relied on driving traffic to other third-party websites to continue the user journey. Now, it's set to become the answer to many questions itself.
What does this mean for your SEO?
Well, if done properly, it could give you a massive advantage over your competition.
While the new interface isn’t going to replace conventional search results just yet, it could go a long way to increasing the number of people using Google's search engine (yep, some people still don't use Google!), leading to more searches down the line.
Overall, this means the search pages are going to be even more competitive than they already are, especially as searchers will be naturally drawn to the prominently displayed information.
While this is still early technology and little is understood about how to rank in this space, ensuring your article and product page SEO is as good as it possibly can be is arguably more important than ever.
Not sure if yours is fully up-to-scratch and ready for this drastic transformation? Give us a call