How HubSpot is empowering advisers and planners with custom configuration

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How HubSpot is empowering advisers and planners with custom configuration

HubSpot doesn't have to be confusing

As an advice firm, you're juggling client relationships, keeping track of your new business pipeline, and making sure you deliver a first class client experience. It’s a lot to manage. But with the right tools, you can streamline those processes and free up more time to focus on what really matters— building deeper and more fulfilling client relationships.

We’ve worked closely with advisers and planners to configure HubSpot in ways that address their specific challenges, resulting in smoother operations and improved client engagement.

Simplifying relationship management

Many firms in the sector, like Pareto Financial Planning, have adopted HubSpot alongside  their back office system, such as Intelliflo for managing new business opportunities, marketing and client engagement. Intelliflo is still used for delivering their core services, but our integration means data is synced.

One of the biggest changes is around using HubSpot for pipeline and relationship management. Unlike older systems that require multiple steps to log and access client information, HubSpot’s user-friendly interface allows users to manage everything from their inbox or mobile devices.

Integration with email platforms such as Outlook and Gmail ensures that all communications are automatically logged, reducing manual effort and keeping a complete record of prospects and client interactions. By making client data easier to access and update, teams can focus more on relationship building and less on admin work.

Take a look at the dashboards in action


Custom reporting for better decision-making

Reporting can often be a challenge, where compliance and detailed client data make it difficult to extract the right information quickly. HubSpot’s custom reporting tools, allow firms to track referrals, introducer relationships, opportunities and client interactions with ease.

We configured HubSpot to accurately  track referrals, making it easier for Pareto to identify key sources of new business, accurately and easily identifying which clients, professional connections and advisers are generating the most and best referrals. 

What previously required multiple reports and manual data extraction from Intelliflo is now automated and fully customisable within HubSpot. This gives leadership teams clearer insights into performance metrics and enables faster, data-driven decision-making.

Agile pipeline management

Advisers often deal with complex client journeys, where not all clients follow a standard process. Some may skip certain stages, whilst clients with more complex scenarios require extra time in particular phases.

With the ability to move clients between stages and adjust the pipeline as needed, firms like Pareto have gained more control over their new business processes and forecasting. HubSpot’s intuitive functionality ensures that clients are always in the right phase of the advisory process, improving both internal efficiency and client satisfaction.

Hear directly from our client Pareto on how HubSpot's intuitive dashboards are driving success


A collaborative test-and-refine approach

The opportunities HubSpot brings for advisers and planners are clear. But the effectiveness of HubSpot is determined by thoughtful deployment of HubSpot's tools supported by a deep understanding of how your firm will use them. 

We work closely with our clients to create solutions that are perfectly suited to their needs. For advice firms, we’ve developed custom workflows, enhanced reporting capabilities and smooth integrations to ensure teams have all the tools they need.

This collaborative approach means we test and refine the platform with our clients, ensuring it continues to evolve with their business. The results are clear. Firms are saving time, gaining better visibility over their pipelines, growing faster and improving client satisfaction.

Seamless handoffs between marketing and advisers

Marketing teams benefit directly from HubSpot’s collaboration features designed to sit within one central hub, making it easy to pass leads from marketing  to advisers and maintaining visibility on lead conversion.

HubSpot’s ability to configure custom properties and the UI of records ensures you easily and simply capture the most important information on contacts/companies. This works the same for tracking new opportunities, all with easy access to reporting on the most crucial data for your business.

Key HubSpot opportunities for financial services

Streamlined data management: Automated logging of interactions and integration with email platforms eliminates manual data entry.

Customisable reporting: Bespoke reports provide deep insights into client activity, referrals, new business and performance metrics, helping firms make more informed decisions, faster.

Flexible pipeline management: Custom pipeline management accommodates non-linear client journeys, offering greater control over complex advisory processes.

Mobile access: Teams can manage client relationships on the move, ensuring prompt communication and responsiveness no matter where they are.

Integration with legacy systems: Aligning your systems and data as a benefit will workFor firms using systems like Intelliflo, ensuring data flows between platforms without disruption.


Financial services firms aiming to evolve their operations and enhance reporting can rely on HubSpot’s flexibility and powerful tools. Read our full case study with Pareto here and explore our financial services page to understand how we unlock new efficiencies and boost your business performance.

Learn more about how we bring value to the financial services sector.

With its specialised suite of tools tailored for the financial services sector, HubSpot will help improve performance and grow your business.

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